Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fall Schedule 2010

So now that the kids are all in school...I can use my time wisely with a daily schedule. No more sleeping-in (maybe after I drop them off:), and eating breakfast at lunch time. My new schedule has to be mature and responsible: 6:30 a.m. Kiss and say goodbye to hubby and wake up Nascar for highschool 6:45 Make breakfast and lunches for three kids 7:00 Wave goodbye to Nascar and wake up Chabs for Middle-school 7:15 Take shower, dress and put running shoes on! 7:30 Put coats on kids, throw backpacks in car and head off 7:45 Wave to daughter at Middle school and climb back on freeway 8:00 Stop by house for youngest coat or backpack forgotten on couch 8:15 Drop youngest off at Elementary school after fighting traffic 8:30 Scream for joy that the kids are OUT the door-Yahoo!!! 9:00 a.m. Eat breakfast in a nice quiet house while watching the morning show 9:15 Throw a load in washing machine/dishwasher/and-make beds 10:00 Clean bathrooms, vacuum and put away clothes 10:30 Lay down and fall asleep...too tired to keep eye-lids open 11:00 Notice that there's no one around to worry about-go back to sleep Noon p.m. Eat errands(post office/grocery store/gas station 3:00 Pick up kids and start schedule for evening chores and dinner! *This whole schedule making is making me tired...need a nap! Zzzzzzzz More news tomorrow-


Christine B. said...

Love reading your stories, so well written ! thanks take note of my new blog due to privacy that got out of hands from someone that insulted us knowing we went to Las Vegas....
( Not my kids)

Christine B. said...

Love reading your stories, so well written ! thanks take note of my new blog due to privacy that got out of hands from someone that insulted us knowing we went to Las Vegas....
( Not my kids)