Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Morning

We drove down to Southern Utah last night and traffic was crazy!

Dad was in the jeep-Nascar was in his little car and I was in my van...

Starwars could not keep his eyes open...

Casanova and his wife have an awesome house!

The kids all played games after breakfast

It is so awesome to see my kids ALL together!

This is Casanova's gorgeous kitchen

The kitchen table is perfect size

Super lucky to have an island:)

The guest bathroom is beautiful with a painting done by my daughter in-law

I love the hardware on the doors and closets

The kitchen is so big for a starter home

It is a dream come true  for this mom to sit back and see her whole family!

The back yard is fenced in:)

They have three dogs (usually inside-but I'm allergic)

More pictures of the feast later on...bye!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

The kitchen is really large, I love the island.

Apples to Apples is such a great family game.