Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Madeline's Birthday

June 8th was an eventful day, filled with balloons and presents. Maddy invited all her friends to our favorite icecream store-Grandee's. Cam's old stomping grounds for work. All Maddy's friends polished off a "Zion's" mountain of icecream and rang the bell. They had their names put on a plaque and we all went home! Well, some of us :)

Roland and Dakota decided to go four-wheeling up the mountain around four p.m. When they returned at five...Roland was limping in a sore ankle. He quickly told me he needed to go to the E.R. and off we went.He had rolled the 4 wheeler!! The doctors took x-rays and told us he had pulled the achillis tendon off his heel! He had his whole foot & leg wrapped in a cast. It's been almost four weeks now, and we're so happy to almost have the cast removed.He hasn't missed any work at all. So far so good. Then yesterday, June 30th, we cringed with fear!

Nick hit his head on the top of a cattle tunnel, while 4-wheeling with his buddies.(He forgot to duck his head?) Luckily he had his helmet on and his friends met me at the hospital. After x-rays,...we found out he has a concussion and whip-lash! He's out of work for a week or two now. His girlfriend, Jenny, has been caring for him all day for me :)My brother, Gary & his family are on their way here from Detroit! More news soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Birthday, Ice Cream, Bell Ringing, E.R., Crutches, Painful Ankle, Whiplash, Gooooodness Dolly!!!!

I hope you got some of that icecream!!!!